A lady of many talents, not only is Sandra Nelson a qualified linguist (BA Linguistics), well established financial advisor (at a leading UK bank), and a certified business analyst. She is also a wonderful wife, mother of two, and the founder & CEO of the highly acclaimed Lift Effects specialists group. The Lift Effects group specialises in inspiring, empowering, motivating and lifting people and organisations to greater heights.
From a very early age Sandra possessed an innate desire to improve the lives of everyone she came into contact with irrespective of their age, gender, creed, walk of life, or what society had to say about them. As a result of this intrinsic desire, one of the goals Sandra has always maintained in life; is to help individuals become the very best version of themselves, and it was out of this passion that Lift Effects was established in the year 2012.
Through Lift Effects, Sandra and her team have created an outlet to communicate strength, energy, positivity, purpose and passion to those that they work with. And over the years the team have successfully hosted a number of life transforming conferences and events.
As a result of these events several prosperous businesses and organisations have been created; and equally a number of businesses that were on the verge of failure, have been turned around. Not only this but many individuals have triumphed over periods of life, which by their own admittance they had lost hope in themselves, their visions and their dreams. Over the years Lift Effects has made a tangible difference in the lives of many and Sandra’s name has become synonymous with “life lifter” “coach and “mentor”. An experience with Sandra and with Lift Effects is truly an unforgettable one.
In addition to LIFTEFFECTS,Sandra is also the visionary behind Lady to Lady Global conference ,which is in some countries and cities. This conference has been in existence for 10 years held in Excel Centre with thousands of women across the globe in Excel.