Rachel Walton – Woman in the Community
Rachel Walton is a mother of one, the author of The Ambassador, Co-Founder of African Families in the UK a community interest company and a trainer with a strong background in community development.
She has been involved in local initiatives: 0pened a ‘Walk In’ Breastfeeding community centre in the heart of Colchester City and spearheading change in maternity sector through the films “It is Okay to Ask”
One of the curators in Super Black exhibition at Firstsite on what it means to be Black in England . Tell me the Story exhibition.
“Holiday fun was initiated at Firstsite because of Rachel’s generosity in sharing insight into the plight of many families in Colchester living below the poverty line. Rachel has inspired an entire programme that has now provided over 5000 meals in the community and is in turn now inspiring other globally significant brands to follow suit”.
Rachel has delivered Cultural Awareness training to professionals through East of England Local Government Association, Colchester Borough Council as well as HER Majesty’s Prison & Probation Services (HMPPS) and contributed an article on cultural diversity in Acquiring Cultural Competence, Equalities, Successful Safeguarding (ACCESS) booklet & importance of breastfeeding NCT Magazine.
Rachel holds a degree in Community Development and Psychology, Post Graduate Diploma in Society, Gender & Culture, and a certificate in Executive Leadership Course with Oxford University.
Rachel is a natural people developer and connector, and she is consistently inspired and excited when people’s lives have been transformed while being connected with networks that make them flourish.. Her passion for community work stems from her faith.