Pastor Ruth Mojisola Obasa – Woman in the Community
Prophetess Ruth Mojisola Obasa is an alumnus of Wycliffe hall of the University of Oxford, she is a personal development and Business coach, she did set up the first African Charity and African shop in the East midlands 24 years ago where over 500 families were integrated into the British Culture and had worked in partnership with the BBC, Universities in the East Midlands and various Charities: Educating the community about African culture. She is a graduate of Business and Theological studies. Whilst admitted to the University of Oxford 12 years ago she suffered abuse that rendered her homeless and she had to seek refuge at a women’s refuge in Banbury Oxfordshire 12 years ago with her children.
It was whilst there assisting ethnic minority women that made her set up Oxfordshire’s first Bame Therapy center: A center that provides six weeks of therapy and seven weeks of personal coaching for these women who had suffered domestic violence. In almost 12 years she has supported over 170 women who had fled domestic abuse.
She also went on to set up Uk’s first African product charity shop a social enterprise that aims to sell second-hand and brand-new African clothes as a source of income to support her charity.
A woman of prayer and one who works in the prophetic believes all things would work out together for our good. She ventured into politics and contested under the labor and conservative parties respectively but didn’t get in. She set up the first RCCG Church in Nottingham 18 years ago and has assisted three other ministers to set up their churches, a serial entrepreneur and one who believes that we are all the hand of God in each other’s lives. She’s attended 8 Universities in the Uk with various qualifications to the glory of God.