Councillor Sharon Thompson – Christian Woman in Politics

Birmingham City Council Cabinet Member for Vulnerable Children & Families, Councillor Sharon Thompson, has been a Councillor since 2014. Prior to taking on this portfolio, Sharon was the Cabinet Member for the Homes & Neighbourhoods portfolio.

The new portfolio of Vulnerable Children and Families has responsibility for Safeguarding Children and Young People; Children’s Services; overseeing the Children’s Trust and Early Years; Corporate Parenting and Lead Member for Special Educational Needs and Disability and Inclusion.

Sharon is committed to working in partnership with our children, young people their families and carers who are all experts by experience.  They know all too well what is not working right for them and how that can be improved. She knows the importance of ensuring the City Council actively listens to and work with them to improve policies and services. 

Supporting and creating better outcomes for those who are vulnerable is what brought Sharon into political life.  Sharon is keen to improve our universal offer as she knows from her her own experiences of being homeless that prevention and early intervention is always better than crisis management. She knows that we need to get our processes working for our service users, so the outcomes are better for our children, young people and families.

Sharon understands some of the battles and feelings of despair that our vulnerable residents face each day.  Her commitment, passion and dedication provide a strong powerful voice to those who are not heard.   She wants Birmingham to be a great city for all, one in which inequalities and injustices are addressed so the children and young people can thrive.