Cherron Inko Tariah

Cherron Inko-Tariah MBE is an author, consultant, facilitator and coach. She is a former civil servant and has undertaken leadership roles in various policy and strategic positions across Whitehall, including working with Ministers and Permanent Secretaries. In 2012, Cherron took a leap of faith and left the Civil Service to follow her passion; staff networks. After publishing her book:The Incredible Power of Staff Networks, Cherron founded The Power of Staff Networks consultancy where she provides a wide range of services.

She is passionate about staff networks and the positive impact these can have on the individual and the organisation. That is why Cherron founded theNational Day for Staff Networks – the first of its kind celebrating the added value of networks.

Cherron is passionate about her Christian faith. As a youth leader and minister, she encouraged teenagers to experience ‘No Limits’ in Christ. She worked with young people from all walks of life to discuss the bible, life choices and encourage them. She held concerts to use their talents to promote their faith and also involved them in Government policy. She was also actively involved in annual Easter trips with nearly 400 young people from London. She received an MBE for her services to HM Government and for her work in the faith community with young people.

Cherron now supports the leadership of Pray Haringey – an umbrella group of churches and ministries working together with the community in prayerful action. Cherron instigated relationships with the local authority to help them understand the impact of the Christian community in the borough. She took the lead in writing a social audit report highlightingthe social action of the church complements the strategic priorities of the council and making a difference. This led to the faith forum with the leader of the Council which is still going strong. Furthermore, Cherron writes articles showcasing the impact of the Church on the community.

Cherron is also a Non-Executive Director at Homerton University Hospital, an associate consultant for PDT Global and, advisory friend to the Institute of Equality and Diversity